Powering Up a Greener Future


We empower decision makers

Increasing Efficiency

Enhance the capacity of your power lines, ensuring reliable energy transmission. Our technology optimizes existing assets, allowing you to transmit more energy safely and effectively.

Make Informed Decisions

Our data models guide you to allocate investments wisely, ensuring long-term performance and maximum return on investment. Use your resources more efficiently to improve performance and ensure the long-term value of your assets.

Power Up your Overhead Lines (OHL)


Quick Incident Detection

Fast response to power line issues, minimizing disruption.
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Dynamic Line Rating

Optimizing energy transmission and future-proofing your grid.
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Early Fault Detection

Replacing damaged power lines in a timely and cost-efficient manner.
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Power up your overhead power line monitoring with the lightest, smartest and easiest to install sensor

Easy to install

Easily attached to active power lines with no outage required, SENTRI's drone-compatible design ensures hassle-free installation even in hard-to-reach locations.


Built-in, real-time monitoring features allow SENTRI to alert you of any tilting, oscillations, or abnormal vibrations, safeguarding your power lines' health and longevity.


With more than 10-years of autonomy and a solar panel for self-recharging, SENTRI can run up to 6 months without any external energy, minimizing both maintenance and downtime.


SENTRI offers robust and flexible internet connectivity options, from 3G/4G to WiFi, with satellite connectivity available upon request, keeping you connected no matter where your infrastructure lies.

Enhancing Your Power Line Operations through Actionable Insights

On-site sensing

On-Site Sensing – with AI-driven analysis

Make critical decisions based on data gathered directly from your infrastructure. Our on-site sensing capabilities, enhanced by AI, provide valuable insights into the performance and condition of your power lines, enabling you to optimize operations and maintenance strategies.
Time Sensitive Alerts

Time Sensitive Alerts

Stay informed and respond promptly to events that require your attention. With Sentrisense, you receive real-time alerts, ensuring you are immediately notified of any critical situations or anomalies, allowing for quick action and minimizing downtime.
Behavioral analysis

Behavioral Analysis – powered by Machine Learning

Gain valuable insights into your power line data tailored to your business needs. Sentrisense offers comprehensive behavioral analysis, providing you with actionable information to optimize efficiency, predict maintenance requirements, and enhance the overall performance of your power grid.
API Integration

API Integration

Seamlessly integrate your platform with ours with flexibility and security. Sentrisense enables API integration, allowing you to connect our advanced power line monitoring solutions with your existing infrastructure and software ecosystem.

Get in Touch to Learn More about Our Technology